Simple list of everything I have going on at gihub

Project Description Watchers Forks Issues
blog The blogofile source for 8 1 0
blogofile A static file blog engine/compiler, inspired by jekyll 2 0 0
collectd-elasticsearch CollectD ElasticSearch plugin 0 0 0
commander A small library for running local and remote shell commands 0 0 0
coveralls-python Show coverage stats online via 0 0 0
docker Docker - the open-source application container engine 0 0 0
fabric Simple, Pythonic remote execution and deployment 35 8 6
fabric_presentation Files for the Columbus python users group meeting in February 2011 1 0 0
game-of-life Python cli implementation of 'Conway's Game of Life' 2 0 0
ganglia-web Ganglia Web Frontend 1 0 0
hooks Scripts I use for mercurial dvcs hooks 1 0 0
inspircd Main inspircd repository. 0 0 0
job_queue A multiprocessing.Process() based queue with a max running setting 16 3 0
monkey Pyweek 08 group entry 1 0 0
odroid-xu4-cluster Files, config, tools, and example code used for setting up an ODROID XU4 mini cluster 0 0 0
offlineimap Read/sync your IMAP mailboxes [Python] 1 0 0
paramiko native python SSHv2 protocol library 1 0 0
project_euler None 1 0 0
pycco Literate-style documentation generator. 0 0 0
python-github2 github client in python, with issues support. 1 0 0
python-webkit2png Python script that takes screenshots (browsershots) using webkit 2 1 0
senotifier Stack Exchange Inbox Notifier 0 0 0
Sick-Beard PVR & episode guide that downloads and manages all your TV shows 1 0 0
ssh Pure-Python implementation of SSH2, based on Paramiko 1 0 0
theory Python web based MPD client with a pretty face and some ajax where it makes sense 2 1 0
yum-excluded-search Add in search that only lists packages not installed presently 1 0 0